Bottom line: Whatever happen; remember God loves you.
Lesson: Son of God Is Not Dead John 20:1-18 Memory verse: Romans 5:8 NLT But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. Today we Celebrated Easter! Jesus is Alive! Every child who attended today went home with a Bible. We encourage the children to bring them along to Reign Forest each Sunday as we will use them during activities. We hope the children will also enjoy reading them on their own at home. Celebrate! Jesus is Alive! ~The Reign Forest Team
This past week in Reign Forest we talked more about Hope. Our Bible lesson was “The Greatest Story Ever Told” – (Crucifixion) from John 18-19. Our bottom line this month is “Whatever happens, God is still at work.” We talked about how Hope is believing that something good can come out of something bad.
Our new memory verse for this week is Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. We are looking forward to next Sunday as we celebrate the good that came out of the bad in today’s lesson! We hope all of your children can join us for our Easter Celebration! Just a note concerning next Sunday--The Children’s Praise will be joining the Worship Team during the Easter Worship Gathering. Have a great week! He is Risen! Celebrate!!! The RF Team Last we talked about trusting in Jesus. The kids shared about times in life when it might be hard to trust. I encouraged them to read some of the bible verses that are on their door hangers.
Bible Story: The Savior's Playbook—John 14-16 Bottom Line: Whatever happens, remember what Jesus promised. Memory Verse: Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world. John 16;33b NLT Below is a short recap of what we learned about in Reign Forest this past Sunday.
Theme: HOPE – believing something good can come out of something bad. Bible Story: Return of the Dead Guy- Lazarus Raised to Life; John 11:1-45 Bottom Line: Whatever happens, remember how powerful God is. Memory Verse: God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. Psalm 46:1 NLT Have a great week! The Reign Forest Team Hello families and friends of Reign Forest!
We wrapped up the month of February with our ongoing theme of COOPERATION. Last week's lesson was titled "Flip This Church" from Acts 2:42-47. Bottom Line: Working together can point people to Jesus. Memory Verse: Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples. John 13:35 NLT During our small group time, it was awesome to see all the cooperation among all the kids in their various games and crafts. We had a ton of fun building and racing cars in one of our small group stations. Thank you parents for waiting patiently as we finished our "race" competition! Here's a link if you want to create your own family version: PBS Kids. Have fun racing your car!!! Blessings to all, The Reign Forest Team |
Reign Forest Team1st Sunday- Anita
2nd Sunday- Jenna 3rd Sunday- Christina 4th Sunday- Cheryl 5th Sunday- Angie Archives
January 2025
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