Dear friends and families of the Reign Forest,
There’s an important story about honesty throughout the book of Judges 13–16. From the start, Samson was set apart to lead God’s people. His life had many ups and downs as he tried to live from his own strength, but ultimately his confidence in God allowed him to carry out the plan for his life. Bottom Line: God is stronger than anyone. Believing that God is stronger than anyone can give us the confidence to put our trust in what He can do more than what we can do. We can only do so much on our own. We need God’s help to accomplish God’s plan for our lives.! Until next week, The Reign Forest Team PS Remember this is catch-up time for any of you who still have verses to say before our Celebration/ Party. You will have at least 3 more Sundays to say verses.
Hello Reign Forest Friends!
We look to Judges 6–8. When God called Gideon to lead the Israelites, Gideon doubted God would really want him to help. Gideon was from the smallest tribe, the smallest family, and he was the smallest of his family! God wanted him anyway and eventually Gideon learned that God could use him no matter what! Bottom Line: God can use you no matter what. Big or small, young or old, God can use people to do amazing things. We pray that whether kids feel like Gideon or have the confidence of an extreme sports superstar, kids will realize that God can use them. We did a quick review of the story together by writing down and crossing out numbers from the story (ask them to show and explain it to you). We also talked about some bugs and how strong they are! The kids were given a small creature to take home to remind them that no matter how small, young, unsure, etc. they may feel, they can be confident that God will be with them always and give them the strength, courage, wisdom they need to do what God asks them to do. Memory Verse #30 - LAST VERSE FOR THE SEASON!!! - This is my command – be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go! Joshua 1:9 NLT The next few weeks can be used to make up any missed memory verses. More information to come about the Reign Forest 30 Verse Challenge End Of Season Party! Blessings, The Reign Forest Team Hello Reign Forest Friends,
We start the month of June with something that Paul tells us in Ephesians 2:20-21. He explains that we are held together by Jesus. When we build our life on Jesus, we have a strong foundation that will stand against whatever life might throw at us. Bottom Line: Jesus matters most. Jesus came to bring us life to the full. We find confidence when we build our life on Him. We pray that kids will understand that living fully alive is best when they put their trust in Jesus. Memory Verse: But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. Jeremiah 17:7 NLT Blessings, Angie, Anita, Cheryl, Jessi, and Kristin |
Reign Forest Team1st Sunday- Anita
2nd Sunday- Val 3rd Sunday- Christina 4th Sunday- Cheryl 5th Sunday- Angie Archives
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