Hi Reign Forest Friends! WEEK 5 We finish up the month in Matthew 2:1-12. Wise Men from the east traveled long and far to meet Jesus. When they saw the star in the sky, they did everything they could to find the promised Savior. It didn’t matter that it took them a while to get to Jesus, because they knew that Jesus was worth celebrating. No matter when or where. Bottom Line: Never stop celebrating Jesus. After the Christmas decorations come down, it can be easy for kids to assume that the spirit of Christmas gets packed away too. We want kids to realize that they don’t need a fancy holiday to celebrate Jesus. They can celebrate when they sing to Jesus, read the Bible, and show Jesus’ love to others. Jesus can be celebrated anytime and anywhere! Memory Verse: Matthew 6:12 NLT "and forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us." Attached below is the take home paper for this week. Have a wonderful week! The Reign Forest Team Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document.
Hello Reign Forest friends! This week, we continued the story in Luke 2:8-20. Jesus was born, and it was now time to announce it to the world. Instead of heading to the wealthiest people, some angels visited the shepherds and announced Jesus’ birth to them first! The shepherds ran to see Jesus, and once they did, it was news they couldn’t keep to themselves. Jesus is worth celebrating with everyone! Bottom Line: Celebrate Jesus with others. This story reminds us that Jesus didn’t just come for the powerful or most important people. Jesus came to show everyone that they can be part of what God is doing in the world. We pray that as our kids think about Christmas, they will remember that Jesus came for them and for everyone around them, and that’s a good reason to celebrate! Some of the kids asked why we are talking about the birth of Jesus, since Christmas was way back in December- last year! We were reminded that we can celebrate the coming of Jesus as a baby any time of the year and most of all – Jesus came for Everyone! The kids were asked to tell what they did with others this past December to celebrate the birth of Jesus. They all drew a picture or pictures of what they took part in. Most of the drawings will be hanging on the wall in the Reign Forest area for the next few weeks. Enjoy Below is our memory verse for this week. I am also including the devotional and our Bible Memory Challenge- The Lord’s Prayer. Have a wonderful week! Enjoy the snow! ~The Reign Forest Team Memory Verse: Matthew 6:11 NLT Give us today the food we need, Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. Hello Reign Forest Friends, For the month of January, we are celebrating Christmas and the birth of baby Jesus. In December, we are always focused on and practicing our Christmas play and miss out on learning and truly understanding the meaning of the Christmas story. This past week, we turned to Luke 1:26-38 and Matthew 1:18-25. On both occasions, an angel visited Mary and Joseph to inform them that they would be the parents of the coming Savior of the world. They would call Him Immanuel, which means “God with us”. They could have said no and refused, but even though they were afraid, they trusted that God was with them through it all. Bottom Line: Celebrate because God is with you. When God sent Jesus, it was the answer to many, many prayers and years of waiting. The people must have wondered what God was doing or if God was still working. We can feel the same way in our own lives. Yet, time and time again, we see that we can trust God no matter what, and celebrate because God sent Jesus for us. This week we are also resuming our Bible Memory Challenge and learning the Lord's Prayer. Your child should have brought home a paper with the Lord's Prayer outlining which verses we are doing each week. See attached if you didn't receive one. Memory Verse: Matthew 6:9 NLT Pray like this: Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. Also attached is the devotional for this past week. Thank you! Hope you are staying warm! The Reign Forest Team Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. Dear Reign Forest Friends, A big "thank you" to all the kids who played a part in the nativity play last Sunday...they put a lot of effort into it and did a great job!! Because the weeks leading up to the play were spent practicing during RF, we decided to go back and do the Christmas lessons for the next five weeks in RF. Christmas is celebrating Jesus, God's greatest gift...and we can do that anytime of the year! So, this past Sunday in RF, we kicked off the Christmas lessons at the very beginning. In John 1:1-5,14, we learned that before there was anything, even life itself, there was the Word. Jesus was this Word - a light that became a human to shine in the darkness and show us who God is. We get to see the plan God had for us from the very beginning and celebrate because of the gift of Jesus. Bottom Line: God always had a plan to send Jesus. Much of what we celebrate at Christmas is an incredible reminder that God can be trusted no matter what. Since the very beginning, God made a promise to save the world and then followed through with sending Jesus to be our Savior. Because of Jesus, we can celebrate the opportunity to have a relationship with God that lasts forever! No memory verse for this week...memory verses will resume in January. Happy New Year, friends! What a blessing and comfort to know that God's presence will continue to be with us as we step into a new year! The RF Team Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. Hi Reign Forest Friends, For the month of November, we are learning all about GENEROSITY. Generosity is about making someone’s day by giving something away. This past Sunday, we focused on an insight from James 1:17a: “Every good and perfect gift is from God.” (NIrV) Every good thing in our lives comes from God, starting with the gift of Jesus. When we take the time to reflect on all that God has given us, we can respond by being generous to others. Bottom Line: God gives us good things. Some of the best gifts in life don’t come with wrapping paper. Sometimes the best gifts in life are free because they were thought out and made especially for us. We have all received good things because of God’s generosity. From the air we breathe to the things we enjoy in our everyday lives, everything good comes from God. Attached is this week's devotional. There is no new memory verse this week. Please keep working on memorizing Psalm 23. Everyone is doing an awesome job! We will start to practice our Christmas play this Sunday. Blessings, The RF Team ![]()
In week 2, we head to Proverbs 12:18, where Solomon spoke about the power of words. He said, “The words of thoughtless people cut like swords. But the tongue of wise people brings healing.” Thoughtless, mean, and hurtful words can cause harm like a sword! But on the flip side, when we ask God for wisdom and speak intentionally with kindness, love, and care, the words we say can bring healing. Bottom Line: Think before you speak. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Ever heard or said that phrase growing up? The thing is, words DO hurt. When we aren’t careful and when we lose control, we have the potential to do damage to others and ourselves that may be harder to overcome later. However, when we take the time to sort through our thoughts before we say them, we can build better and stronger relationships in the future. Relationships matter to God, so they should matter to us as well. |
Reign Forest Team1st Sunday- Anita
2nd Sunday- Jenna 3rd Sunday- Christina 4th Sunday- Cheryl 5th Sunday- Angie Archives
January 2025
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