On Sunday, we headed to 1 Samuel 19–20 and 2 Samuel 9 and took a look at one of the most famous friendships in the entire Bible, between David and Jonathan. Before David escaped to hide from King Saul, he promised Jonathan that he would always take care of Jonathan’s family. David had a chance to follow through on that promise and took care of Jonathan’s son, Mephibosheth, making him feel like a part of his family.
Bottom Line: Friends keep their promises. Trust is a crucial part of friendship. One of the most important ways we can build trust with our friends is by keeping our word. When we promise to do something, we should do everything we can to keep that promise. We pray that as kids learn about David and Jonathan, they’ll think about the ways they can keep their promises and show others that they can be trusted friends. We played “Hot Potato” but with an egg (it was hard-boiled - but the kids didn’t know that until after the game). The kids did a very good job and were very careful passing the egg around. Just as we had to be very careful with the egg, we also have to be very careful to keep the promises that we make. There is no Bible memory verse this week. We will start our new Bible Memory Verse Challenge next Sunday, September 17. Our challenge will run the same as last year. We will challenge the kids to memorize 30 Bible verses throughout this school year. Kids are welcome to memorize the verses that we select in Reign Forest, or they may memorize school verses. Attached is information about the program. Please see Anita if you have any questions.
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