Hi Reign Forest Friends,
Our theme for the month of Augst is Creativity: Imagining what you could do because you were made in God’s image. This Sunday, we kicked off this series in Genesis 1-2:3 as we help kids discover something about the beginning of the universe. Looking around at creation, one can’t help but notice God’s creativity. From nothing, God spoke the universe into existence. No detail left out; creation gives us the brilliant creativity of a God who is big enough to create the world and personal enough to love us no matter what. Bottom Line: There’s no limit to God’s creativity. We pray that kids will start looking at the world more closely and notice God’s amazing creativity. From the uniqueness of animals to breathtaking landscapes throughout the world, not to mention the expansive universe filled with solar systems galore, we want kids to discover the wonder of creation and how it shows us how awesome God is. We invite your child(ren) to join us on Sunday, August 30, during Reign Forest for our Bible Memory Verse Challenge Celebration. We will be celebrating everyone’s hard work with memorizing Bible verses. It is so important for us to learn God’s Word, store it in our hearts, and take it with us wherever we go. As Psalm 119:11 states, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” This year definitely posed some challenges with COVID-19 and church closing for a while, but we are very PROUD OF EVERY CHILD whether they memorized one verse or all 30. Prizes (gift cards of their choice) will be awarded to each child that memorized all 30 verses, and small prizes from the treasure box will also be awarded to the children who reached a 5 verse interval. During our celebration, we will continue to practice social distancing, and all treats served will be individually wrapped. Attached is a list of all the memory verses this past year if your child(ren) would like to memorize any more before the celebration. Blessings, The RF Team Anita, Angie, Cheryl, Jessi, and Kristin
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Reign Forest Team1st Sunday- Anita
2nd Sunday- Jenna 3rd Sunday- Christina 4th Sunday- Cheryl 5th Sunday- Angie Archives
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